The Subclavian Line: The Resuscitation Line of Champions

The Subclavian Line: The Resuscitation Line of Champions

Which central venous catheter (CVC) is best for our patients? Is it the internal jugular (IJ), subclavian, or femoral? We all have our go-to, which I would argue for most, is the ultrasound (US) guided IJ. But is that what is best? Is it recommended by our medical societies? To answer this question we dive into the literature . . . I think you’ll be surprised by what we find. (Hint: it’s the Subclavian!!)

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Resus of the Hypotensive Patient Part 2 - Why You Should be Using Peripheral Pressors (and not feeling guilty about it)

Resus of the Hypotensive Patient Part 2 - Why You Should be Using Peripheral Pressors (and not feeling guilty about it)

For the patients we see that are potential recipients of large volume resuscitation, excessive IV fluids can harm.  In part one of this two part series, Dr. Mackenzie discussed how IV fluids can lead to increased renal injury, pulmonary edema, and extra-vascular lung water.  So how do we avoid the harms of excessive IV fluids?  Plan to start peripheral pressors.  

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